Handicap Accessibility and Aids
A wheelchair ramp is located on the south side of the City Hall building on First Street. Two automatic doors provide access to the building. The elevator is located on the first floor to the left of the automatic doors. A rolling walker with basket is available for patron use in the library, as well as full-spectrum lights and various magnifiers. Large print and audio books are available for check out.
Library Cards
Library cards are free to Wisconsin residents. To obtain a library card you must have a driver’s license and current proof of address. Children in kindergarten and up may sign up for their own library card with a parent’s permission and signature. Click here to self-register for a first-time e-card.
Loan Periods
Books, audio books, music CDs and tapes: 3 weeks
Magazines and movies: 1 week
Interlibrary Loan
Patrons have access to items from over 30 libraries within the Winding Rivers Library System and requesting items couldn’t be easier. You can search for and request items from the comfort of your own home. All that you need is your library card barcode and your pin number and internet access.
1. Find “Search the WRLSWEB Catalog” on the home page.
2. Enter a title, author, or subject. Click on “Submit.”
3. Search through results. Click on items of interest to learn more about that item.
4. Click on “Request Item.” Enter your barcode and pin number. Follow prompts to finish request.
Items are delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and you will be contacted by phone, mail, or email when your items arrive. You may also ask your librarian to request items for you or to give you a quick tutorial on how to request items.
Blair Press Archives
The library has two collections of the Blair Press available. Our microfilm collection covers the years from 1914-2002, and a microfilm reader is available with prints priced at fifty cents per sheet. The Blair Press is also available in bound book format for the years 1954-1998 for use in the library only.
Computer Lab
The library has 6 internet access computers available to the public. Patrons have a 30 minute time limit on the computer and may print copies from computers for 15 cents a page. Access to Ancestry.com, Badgerlink, and resume software is also available. Wireless internet access is also available at the library 24 hours a day, seven days a week.